cycle complete/a few ?'s

Oct 22, 2002
hi.. :) the nitrItes have just dropped in my 30g (hexagon) to 0.. 0 ammonia.. nitrAtes are at 10.. (they were at 20, but i imagine there's some algea going on in there, dropping the nitrAtes..??)

in any event... i was wondering how large of a water change to do now in the 30g..

also, the PH in the 30g is at 7.4.. i have a 10g set up with a PH of 7.0.. and i wanted to move a few of the fish down to the 30g.. is .4 too big a difference to be moving them? with that cause the PH shock?

thanks in advance..  ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Yes, 25%-35% seems about right 8) I would dought that it would but, to be on the safe side you put the fish and water in the bag from the ten gallon. You let the bag float for about ummm....... i'd say 10 -15 minutes then, once the time is up put in a couple cups of water from the 30 gal. Do this 2-3 times before introduction to the tank.

But, anyway now you are finished with your cycle and can add new fish 8) GOOD Luck :)
