Compact lighting for aquariums..

Oct 22, 2002
There are a lot of dfferent types and brands of compact lighting. I was wondering what kind of lighting I can use in order to bring out the colors in my freshwater tank without causing problems like algea due to excess lighting. My tanks are non-planted so the spectrums and intensty should not matter, I think. Letme know your thoughs.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Just for color intensifying looks, the GE Aqua Rays bulbs are excellent fish color enhancement. They give off blue/red rays, so most redish & bluish hued fishes loook brighter. Neon tetras & clown loaches look excellent under these bulbs. Available in flourescent or power compact in almost all sizes. All-Glass company uses them now in there lighting canopies & strip lights *crazysmiley*