Co2 AGAIN...need experts


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
C'mon all you Co2 experts...answer me this one,

How much is too much.

Can Co2 be a bad we've got heaps of light and heaps of fertilizer and heaps of Co2 pumping into our planted tank...does some point...become injurious to our fish. If so when???

I'm just about to go out and spend the big bucks to set up a heavily planted community I REALLY need your advice.

Help me, you lot. Please.

Oct 22, 2002
First of all, I am no expert. But, as others said, I'll try my best. Too much CO2 can be bad for two major reasons.

1. The higher CO2 saturation, the lower the pH.

2. The closer to equal CO2 saturation in water and fish's blood, the less efficient a fish can breath. A fish will be poisoned (surfocate) if CO2 saturation in water is close to equal, equal or higher than CO2 saturation in the fish's blood (blood cells won't be able to disolve CO2 back into water which should have lower saturation of CO2, hence no room for oxygen). Different spices have slightly different level of torlerance. Some can stay up to 100ppm.