Check out the Latest in Aquarium Filtration

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Most of us have heard of the Bio-wheel. The "Eco-Wheel®" is a new filter that takes the concept of the wheel and aquaria to new levels.

Aquatic Engineers Inc. (AEI) has developed what they call the "most innovative and highly advanced aquatic life support system in the world".

Designed for both fresh or saltwater aquariums (particularily reef set-ups) these filters are "completely non-destructive to plankton and other organisms that comprise the lower echelon of the aquatic food chain. With these organisms left undisturbed, a complete eco-system can be achieved." The "Eco-Wheel®" acheives all this from the power of an air pump and even has built in skimmer.


Should be great in freshwater.

We have all seen marinelands bio-wheel. The wheels spins in and out of water, lots of bacteria grow and help with the cycle.

The eco-wheel has a wheel also, a much much larger wheel. The difference is it uses lighting to grow algae on the wheel. In effect, the wheel is a large planted tank.

Below that are bio-balls for the bacteria to populate and help with the cycle.

It pretty much a self contained bio filter and planted refugium.


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
Visit site

to resurect this thread for a minute, I have a queation.. Has anyone found out the exact cost of the eco-wheel.. I have looked at numerous sites and haven't found a "true" price....

I have e-mailed the manufacturers, no answer, I have phoned different companies that have them, no response... Weird. So this is my last resort!!

