bottom feeder suggestions?


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Hey, does anyone know a good bottom feeder for a pond? I am guessing that it is between 200-250 gallons and is stocked with around 30 (and diminishing) goldfish. Currently there is a channel catfish over a foot long and growing in there eating everyone while they sleep. I would like to eat him errr hmmm, trade him for something else. I live in the cold, damp, *great* NW and need somthing that can winter over.

The pond was just given to me by a friend and i spent this weekend digging it from the old home and installing into it's new home. I don't have any history on the pond or the inhabitants. AND..the biggest gold fish is 9 inches long and 5 inches tall :eek:

Thanks in advance *thumbsups


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Kuroshio said:
I would like to eat him errr hmmm, trade him for something else.
LOL, whatever gets the job done I guess :).

Um, I have no actual experience but I remember seeing this really cute shark online (not really a shark) that apparently ate algae and could tolerate pond temperatures, let's see if I can find it again...
Yes, I saw in on Chinese Hi Fin Banded Shark. I'm not sure in actual practice if this will work for you, but you may want to research him more and see. He's very QT.... oh but he can get really gigantic... maybe you can enlarge your pond ;)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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Those suckers get HUGE! LOL Tho it would be neat.... From what I've read, they get very plain looking as they age. If you're interested in them, I can get you the text from one of my books (my only fishy book that mentions them afaik) :)

In the "what were they thinking" category, my local PetCo got a half dozen of them in last week and were selling them as tank fish in with their orandas. I don't think there was any information on the price tag about them tho I was half-tempted to ask the guy working (the only one there who makes my skin crawl) just to see what he'd say, will have to take a peek next time I pop over.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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:eek: 24-36 inches!! wow, thanks guys, but I am trying to get rid of the large fish and replace it with something a bit smaller ;) . I will be building a much larger pond later on (1-2 years) that will have room for your shark though, he does sound interesting and I will keep him in mind. I promised a friend he could put some trout in my not-yet-here pond *celebrate Maybe I will give it a try without any bottom feeder for awhile. I'm building a pergola to shade it anyway....


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
you could think about picking up a field guide for your area and seeing what naturally lives in your area. I used to live in Seattle and during my weekend trips to the mountains I saw alot of naturally occuring streams and stuff. So if there is anything that is native there and eats off the bottom then that might be an option - especially if you live in an area that gets snow or something.

of course you would want to check if the species you like is a migratory fish because that means they haul butt when it gets too cold.

Apr 2, 2005
I'd suggest crayfish (crawfish, crawdads, mudbugs, etc.). They're excellent little garbage-men. I have 6 of the little buggers in my 45 gallon tank now and they dispose of anything that makes it to the bottom. I feed them standard shrimp pellets and they love them. They'll winter over fine.



Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Ok Kerosene, do crawfish pinch kids? I have 2 under 2 years old. It kinda needs to be niave and small kid friendly. Do they stay in the water all the time? Or come out? And will they harm fish that are in the pond? Sorry but don't know a thing about them. Did a google search and came up with several pages of recipes *twirlysmi

Thanks a lot

Apr 2, 2005

With little kids, the crayfish might not be a good idea. They would pinch, but only if provoked. I've been pinched by them a few times. It hurts a little, but I've never had one break the skin. Probably better off avoiding them in your situation.

You could maybe try white suckers:

They're readily available in most bait shops in my area. They supposedly get to 2' in length, but I've never seen one that big in my life.



Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Yes I have considered pleco's as well. I do worry about the cold months here (that would be all of them except August). Shoot, the nights right now get into the 50-60's! Maybe i will try once I hear testimonials from locals, but don't want to kill fish 'just to see'. Will keep that one in mind....thank you.