Betta with curved spine

Oct 15, 2010
I have posted this to other forums, and so far, no one can help.

My female betta has had a curved spine for a couple days now. I have been watching her, and she now has lighter coloring, and dropsy like symptoms. Her scales are standing out as of this morning, and the curved spine. From the top, she looks like this: ~. She has whitish patches on her, but not fungus or ick. I have her in the quarantine tank, because she showed ick like symptoms, all of which are gone. She is in clean water with aquarium salt, and a temperature of about 80. (still making sure all ick is gone, and she has fins that need to heal) I am wondering if this is fish TB?

Oct 15, 2010
Anyone around the tank, touching the glass, (if I splash the water onto the glass, or any germs, bacteria etc.) or me having my hands in the water, starting the siphon, and handling them, can give us tb through a wound...etc.

She died today anyway. :( It was really bad.