Betta Bowls

Jun 28, 2003
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i have got a 10.5g tank with some gouramis in but what i really want is a betta (as i had one a few years ago in a previous tank) and i've heard of betta bowls. As these are not heated would one be suitable for the British climate or would my betta get too cold? I have a complete spare set or aquarium equipment (light, filter, heater, pump etc) but i doubt my heater would fit in a betta bowl. What can i do? :confused:

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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they like at least 75 degrees, but I think they can handle lower temperatures (someone else can tell you for sure). All I know is that I have my betta in a bowl, and the temp is 70 and he seems fine. I do feel guilty, though, and I will probably move him into something bigger that I can give him a heater eventually.
If you have another set-up you should use that instead of the bowl! :)


Superstar Fish
well, as long as your temp. remains constant (and not too cold) you don't need a heater. they sell heating pads for betta bowls that the bowl sits on also...

Um, what size is the bowl to begin with? I'll just say it now - I don't think bettas will stay happy in little bowls - they will GREATLY appreciate some room to swim.

Jun 28, 2003
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I do have a small 3 or 4 g tank (not sure exactly) but it doesn't have a secure lid and i have three cats, one of which is young and full of mischief, so i dont want to use this tank for fear of dissapearing betta syndrome.
I have never seen betta bowl for sale in the UK but they do sell small plastic tanks of differing sizes, are these appropriate?

p.s. thanx for the replies :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
You could try gettin putting a glass top on there. Thats what I did after my hood broke and its solid as a rock. Just measure the tank and take the measurements down a construction shop or a glass company and ask them to cut it for you. Get some little hole cut in the top of it for feeding etc.