best protein skimmer under $200 for 220 gal :)

Aug 23, 2005
Cocoa Beach
think im going to build a scrubber and still use a smaller skimmer. if i am chemically thinking, the skimmer should pull out the junk before it is able to be eaten by the algea, anything that is overpowered for the skimmer will be eaten by the algea... sound logical?


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
I dont think your gonna get a decent skimmer for a 220 gal for that price. +1 on using a scrubber. I have heard a lot of good feedback from people who use them and think I will be using one whenever I upgrade my tank.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Seeing the nasty stuff my skimmer pulls day after day I cant understand why you would want that in your tank. The skimmer doesnt pull EVERYTHING from the water, the corals get plenty if fish poop lol trust me. As far as what skimmer, Octopus nw150 is prolly the best your gonna get for that budget. Personally id save another $100 a spend $300 on a much better one :D


Superstar Fish
This is the test results of my 40G SW tank that I have been running an Algae scrubber on. This tank has been up since the weekend before Fathers Day and has NEVER had a water change. The results of these Algae scrubbers are amazing!!!!!! This is why I do not use a skimmer!!!! The only thing on this tank is an Algae Scrubber and a circulation pump. With results like this what else do you need????
2011-12-22_18-06-06_837.jpg 2011-12-22_18-05-27_904.jpg


Small Fish
Jul 22, 2008
My reef tank has zero phosphate and nitrate (no scrubber). But my skimmer keeps pulling out a lot of stuff that algae can't make a dent in. A skimmer should be used, especially on a newer setup. Your testing is not revealing everything else that is in there.


Superstar Fish
What does your skimmer pull out? The skimmer pulls out food that your corals would eat. I have had protein skimmers for decades and was so happy to find a replacement for them that worked. The only reason to have a skimmer with a scrubber is if you have a fish only salt system because the extra food would not have to be there if you do not have corals.

I have never had a reef tank with a skimmer that didn't need water changes. I have a 10G nano with a scrubber thats been almost two years without a water change.

Also, I am aware I didn't show any other tests then the nitrate and phosphate. I did these because its virtually impossible to get both of these to zero without water changes!!

The ocean uses algae to do its filtering, I am just simply replicating how nature takes care of its water.

For years I was really against scrubbers and stood my ground about how well skimmers worked and told everyone that scrubbers where the most horrible thing to use on a tank. Well, I must say that I have had to eat a lot of CROW lately!!!!! Scrubbers work for every Reef tank I have.

You should try a scrubber yourself and learn what its all about. I have bee keeping SW since about 1978 and the scrubber is the most amazing tool I have found for keeping a SW tank yet.