Balloon Mollies

Mar 19, 2007
Just bought two red balloon mollies....any specific care that they require?

PH levels, favorite foods, temperature, and I have one green swordtail..

Both female, and pregnant...I think.
I plan to buy some more types of fish, so what do they not get along with??

I usually go with swordtails, so this is unchartered ground...:)



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I think your should rather get more of the same fish. them wont be comfortable by themselves like that. Keep both swordtails and balloons in groups of at least 4. one in those four should/could be a male. so to start, get two more balloons and three more swordtails.

You can treat balloons the same as swordtails. they prefer salt in their water, so add a teaspoon full to the tank whenever you change out 25%-50% of the water for your weekly water changes.

pH they like anything from 7-8 pH but can adapt even further. They do best around 7.5 (i keep my swordtail tank 7.4-7.6 range and they do fine)

They need a vegetable diet, so make sure your flakes are predominately made of Spirulina. simple tropical flakes wont do for these livebearers. Aside from this nesessity, they love frozen blood worms, freeze-dried tubifex, live brine shrimp, blanched spinach, romaine lettuce and cucumber as treats. but like i said the spirulina flake should be fed every day.

Temperatures can be anything from 72F-81F I keep my tank at 75F. i raise it to 79F when i have fry being born.

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Mar 19, 2007
Thank you so much!

Both the mollies had their fry, so is their anything I can feed the fry so they'll stay healthy? The swordtail I had was the only one that survived out of 20....:(


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
a ten gallon long is way too small to house that many fish :eek:

maybe a ten gallon for the fry alone, which all should be sold as soon as they outgrow it to prevent overcrouding issues. i mean the fry should be sold not the tank.

As for a main tak you should go with at least a 20 gal in my opinion. gives em much more room. no wonder the 20 swords died... im also assuming they were fry, or adults bought at different times, not all at once lol.