Assassin Snail evicted

Jan 1, 2010
We were having an outbreak of snails and I bought an Assassin Snail a month and a half ago to take care of it. Well, it turns out Assassin Snails only eat big snails. Something at least 1/2 their size if not bigger.The Assassin Snail was like 3/4" long. The pest snails were probably about 1/16".

During regular cleanings I would pick out all the pest snails I could find. I've also heard that livebearers like guppies and platys may eat snails if they can fit in their mouth.

The past couple weeks, I noticed there are practically no snails left. I also started seeing the Assassin Snail less and less–even after the lights went out (possibly getting malnourished?)

I've heard a big dead snail can really cause mischief to tank's water chemistry. Since we a tiny 5.5 gallon, I decided to pull out the Assassin Snail and bring it back to the LFS from where he came.

Was this a bad idea? He was nearly $6 bucks. Our most expensive livestock in there. And they didn't even give me any credit or anything.

Dec 20, 2009
You say there are no more little snails in there? Then I say no it was not a bad idea. Giving up something in your tank for the well being of your fish is never a bad idea. If its the money end of your looking at then look at it this way if that snail had died in your tank and as a result the rest of your fish died. How much would that have costed you?