Anyone near Hunterdon, NJ want some fish

Oct 22, 2002
I moved out of an apartment and back in with the parents and now I seem to have collected all my roomates tanks (5 in all) so now I have entirely to many all various sizes and types:) the LFS won't buy them back or give me credit or anything so I thought someone out there might have an interest? i'm in no particular rush to get rid of them but this is what I have:
3-4 tiger barbs
2 5+" plecos
6-8 africans, different colors/sizes
6 red bellied piranha (different tank than the others)
tons of malaysian trumpet snails
8" black ghost knife
11" rope fish
I can't even remember what else:)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
You say you have different size tanks... are those up for sale also?  If so, what do you have???
I don't know where Hunterdon, NJ is... I'm in Wilmington, DE - work in Philadelphia, PA.  Is Hunterdon within 1 hour of either of those??

Oct 22, 2002
yeah I'm about an hour and a half from Phili.
I used to work in Wilmington, DE for DuPont as a tech consultant actually! Lived at the Marriot on 9th street I think? for like 9 months *haha*

if you've ever heard of flemington, NJ I'm about 20 minutes east of there.

None of the tanks are for sale though, the old roomies want them back just in case they ever feel like getting back into the hobbie (yeah right)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Sorry - 90 minutes from Philly is a little far.  

What did you think of Wilmington?  I relocated there after 12 years in Arlington, Texas.  (that's in between Dallas and Fort Worth - the Rangers home stadium is there) so Delaware is a "little" change.  It amazes me that Delawarians think 20 minutes in a car is a long drive.  I commute more than twice that far, they think I'm crazy.

Technical consultant, hun?  What did you do at DuPont?
I am a consultant for an IT company - my job is to break the clients software.  I excel at my profession - either that or my clients don't excel in theirs...

Oct 22, 2002
I worked for CSC who at the time was one of Duponts major consulting companies, I worked on their first broadvision website back in '98 or something like that...
I wasn't crazy about the down of Wilmington, just cuz there isn't much as far as night life goes, and i was like 21 when i was working there, but it was cool since newark and phili were so close. But live at the marriott was sucked *LOL*

I'm still doing broadvision work, I work for
but our place is switching over to more of a websphere/weblogic shop I think.