Anyone have Wolf fish?


Small Fish
Mar 14, 2003
westchester, ny
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I was just wondering if anyone else had wolf fish. I just got two. They are quite small- about 3" long. We had one at the store where I work and it was about 7 or 8 inches long and he would come to the top of the tank during feeding time to snatch pellets from the surface. He was fine with all the fish that were in the tank with him originally but anything we put in afterward was seen as fair game. He grabbed an 8" pacu by the head, needless to say, the pacu required some assistance...and he survived with no lasting damage done. My two are currently in a ten gallon ( only because they are so small and it's something of a quarantine) and they will be moved as soon as I can set up another large tank. They seem quite happy-possibly due to the fact that they disappeared my danios last night. But they like to hang out amidst the plants. If anyone has any suggestions(besides a large tank) that would make my Wolves extra happy, throw 'em my way! Thanks everybody.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i am not familiar with the "wolf fish".

is it this-

if so, these guys will outgrow a 10 gallon almost overnight!

these are among the largest cichlids in the world. males can potentially reach 30 inches!!! this makes them a poor aquarium fish in my book. you would really need a 265 gallon or larger to keep an adult.


Small Fish
Mar 14, 2003
westchester, ny
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Yeah, I know they get big- I do my research. And I am currently planning for that. As I said, the ten-gallon is a quarantine and they are small. Good thing too, because I noticed one of them has ick that I hadn't noticed due to it's pattern. Slight case, clear up in no time. But as for the big tank- I am going to build my own 190 gallon which they can hang out in...until it's time to build a bigger one! Thanks for the replies everyone.


Small Fish
Mar 14, 2003
westchester, ny
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The upside of them jumping out, god forbid, is if they do, they've got a much better chance of being rescued alive! And I've only got one left. I woke up the other morning to find my Wolf looking fat and happy, with not a trace to be found of the other. But that's okay- I don't mind losing fish as long as they serve the nutritional needs of other fish... This fish is awesome though, I really enjoy him.


Medium Fish
Oct 28, 2003
Wolf Fish are very unique.

I have stuided and read all about different kinds of freshwater and saltwater fish and the Wolf Fish is one that will always be stuck in my mind. This fish can reach up to 20 inches and is also known as a Piranga Eater and a Mud Characin. This fish is very aggressive and needs an aquarium with a very tight lid. They are actually called Mud Characin because in the wild they can live in mud instead of water. If this fish does jump out it can jump miles and live for a really long time because of its additional breathing organ. It's a cool fish.