Anyone close to you hate your hobby of fishkeeping?


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Yes! My dad strongly dislikes me keeping fish. I have to be careful how I word that because he likes to keep fish (does himself) he just doesnt like ME keeping fish.
My bf is also the same way, he kept fish for a long time, but stopped about 6 months ago, he gets totally bored when I talk about the fish (very often) and really irritated when I talk about this site! But hes great, he takes me to LFS's all the time and just stands around bored while I gaze into the tanks =)

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
my wife was not very supportive when I told her that I wanted to get back into the hobby. My solution was to take her to the LFS after I go the tank set up and let her pick out some fish (with a little of my direction). Her selection was an Dwarf Frog (named Oggie) and recentl yI bought her some sunset platys.

Having her select some fish and unfortunately give them names makes her a part of this hobby which we can then enjoy together. Which in turn takes the heat off of me when I spend money.



Large Fish
Dec 6, 2002
Bakersfield, Ca
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my wife hates it only when i do water changes. i tend to mess up the living room. i also told her when we move in a bigger house we are going to have 3 aquariums set up. 1 in the living room, 1 in our room, and one in the studio. she got really pissed off about that idea. i told her dont least my fish dont eat their house like your dog does.

Originally posted by fishRmylife
Any of your girlfriends, wives, boyfriends, husbands, parents hate your hobby of fishkeeping? My girlfriend hates my fish, lol. Even though she always helps me pick mine out, or tries to buy me little corny decorations. haha
WHOA! You got the exact same problem as me! She hates my fish, but she always wants to pick out or buy me others! Then she says I'm obsessed...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
gosh i thought i was the only g/f doesn't really hate fish but she hates going to the lfs because i can spend hours there looking for a fish that might have got in accedentaly and find a rare fish for cheap or i will look for odd products that we samples or just about anything that catches my eye.angelfish that is too funny about the perfect date.the only thing better is the public aquarium.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
I finally talked my wife into keeping her own tank. I was a little wary of the idea at first, because when I first started she was always trying to talk me into getting the fluorescent rainbow gravel, glow in the dark pastic plants, no fishing signs =P

Now she wants to take over my 20 gallon and do black gravel with glossostigma lawn and riccia driftwood. woohoo! I'm in love <3 <3 <3 :D


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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My 8 year old daughter was at first bored by the whole idea, but now she's into it -- even though the lemon tetra's red eyelids and the julii corys in general weirded her out.

My gf and I started dating only a short while ago -- just before I got into the hobby again. Talk about bad timing! She thinks I'm a little obsessed, but she's pretty tolerant. We were at her house the other day and, while she was showering, I was tapping on her hardwood floors to find out where the studs were and how much weight they might bear. Shhhhh. ;)

Oh, and one of the best things about living here is the Monterey Bay Aquarium -- I never get tired of going! Though I agree with Antwan's view about taking them home. So actually, my perfect home would be MBA with my TV, a coffeemaker, and room for Jetta. Hehe.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
great question... I got 7.5 tanks a 55 , 20 long 2 -15 high, 10, 5, a large gold fish bowl for my fry and a 20 high thats next to set up (this hobby is addicting) I do ALL the set ups ALL the cleaning and shop ALL the lfs (I have 6 within 15 miles of my house) nobody has told me that they hate my hobby but most people always ask the same question (how long does it take to keep these so crystal clean) 2 hours every 2 weeks is my answer sorry to hear about all the hate I COULD BE GOING TO BARS AFTER WORK BUT INSTEAD I GO TO FISH STORES yes that could be a great first time date :D