This is my rottie, his name is Defense, now, please, slowly back away or you might get hurt.<G>
Okay, I'm sorry but three hours a week of "Fitness Walking" for 1/2 a credit only to find out your entire grade was based on how fast you can walk three miles at the end of the year was a big waste of time to me. I didn't pick "Fitness Walking" I was assigned it my first freshman semester by the autoregistar. Then -THEN- my sophomore year they changed the requirements and decided to do away with 1/2 credit PE classes and make everybody take a three credit one. I paid for a whole credit (I also had Aerobics that same semester) that was utterly useless. $900 I'm still paying off... (yes I paid out of state tuition) and I had to retake PE anyway to make up for the two credits I couldn't earn when they dropped "topics in sports medicine" or "women's health issues" those lovely 2 credit "philosphy of gym" classes.
Honestly though, I know what you mean about swimming. I didn't learn how to swim correctly until I took my lifeguarding classes and we had to compete in timed swims for certification. There ain't no way the doggy paddle is gonna save a drowning person.
Oh, and if you're going to minor in Animal Behavior, I sincerely recommend you frequent the local Greek houses. After all, we ain't nothing but mammals. Desmond Morris and B.F. Skinner are my absolute idols, and Animal Behavior was one of my favorite classes. We got to play with cockroaches, and we did this one experiment in the library. This is really cool. If you really want to weird people out, just sit down next to them. Dude, you would not believe how freaked people get. The assigment was to observe "personal space" and the limits thereof, and when you've invaded it. One partern stood on the balcony (we had balconies on each floor that looked over the work space) and observed the target while the other person sat at their table. You could sit either diagonal, across, or next to. Well, I sat down across from this one guy, opened a book, and pretended to read, not paying attention to him, for fifteen minutes. My partner said he lost his concentration, never flipped a paged, figetted the entire time, and that he appeared totally unnerved. And all I did was sit down across from him and read a book.
Dude, that was the coolest experiment ever. Hey, don't even have to be in Animal Behavior class to do it, just take the seat next to someone anywhere, and watch their reactions. Note your -own- reaction when someone sits next to you. Do you cross arms or legs? Do you look down? Do you shift over to make more room even when there might be none available? Do you make eye contact? How much "personal" space do you need and when are you willing to have it infringed a crowded elevator, or in an empty library floor when the only other person there decides to sit across from you?
"Thirty inches from my nose, the frontier of my person goes
Beware of rudely crossing it, I have no gun, but I may spit"
--WH Auden