Angel and Salt gone, but not forgotten!


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
Our lyretail molly had to be put down last night. When I went to feed the fish I noticed that one of her eyes was popped out further than the other one. I did a quick google search and found out it was a kidney infection.:confused: How do they get that? I read that most fish don't survive, so we put her out of her misery.

2 weeks ago we had to put down a dalmation molly. She was acting crazy. Swimming upside down and sideways, doing loop-di-doos and cork screws down to the bottom of the tank. Kids said she was just doing tricks.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Sorry about your loss. Sounds like your lyretail probably had pop-eye and the dalmation had swimming bladder disease. Although I could be wrong. I'm not sure the survival rate on the eye disease, but swimming bladder is something that doesn't seem to be cureable being that it kills quickly.


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
I hate pop-eye. Its not meant to be contagious but when one of my bristlenose plecs got it, i added some melafix but he died. Altogether 4 of my bristlenoses died, one after the other. I think pop-eye is cureable but i dont think i got the right medicine. I used melafix, which says it cures pop-eye, but im my case it didnt :(. What makes my situation ever more annoying is that those bristlenoses are the fry from the parents which i bred. One of them was obviously a 'he' and he was just getting his bristles, and then he died :(
I think pop-eye can be caused by poor water quality, and the tank which the Bristlenoses were in, i didnt do alot of w/c's so that could have caused it. But i did one today :D
Anyway, if i were you i'd do a waterchange just so the water is in top condition :)


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
Sorry to hear that. I'd be alittle upset too. But I do a 10% w/c every week like clock work. On the 19th I did a 50% w/c. I check the nitrite and ammonia 1/2 way through the week and their always good.