African Dwarf Frog


Small Fish
Apr 2, 2008
So I've been doing some research on these little guys the past couple of days, and I've decided a pair of ADF's would make suitable and interesting tankmates for my Betta.
I'm planning on buying two after class this afternoon and will hopefully have pictures up this evening (if I can find my camera that is :rolleyes: )

Does anyone here own an ADF? If so, can you offer any tips or past experiences that might help me better care for my future froggies?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I didn't have very good luck with mine. I had two and they both died shortly after I got them :(

If you feed them frozen blood worms your betta will LOVE them too though.

Mar 7, 2008
LI, New York
Hi Kiwi,

I my self own two in a tank with a betta, and some cory's. They are really cool tank mates. They eat sinking pellets for me, small ones not the ones i feed my cory's.
But be careful with other bottom feeders, because they have poor eye site they kind of head butt the gravel to find their food, sometimes the cory's are in the path of their head butting. But don't be frustrated if they don't find their food right away, it takes them some time to find their food, they will eventually find their food. I tried and get them into a habit of what time of day they get fed, they tend to find their food quicker if they know it might be coming.
Other than that they are great tank mates that love hiding, and floating on the surface of the water. They are actually very funny and have tons of personality. Hope it goes well. keep me posted! Good luck!!


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
I would try to have a sand substrate instead of gravel. Just like falsebandit said, ADF's have poor eye sight and they have trouble finding food. I currently have pool filter sand as substrate. He likes to munch on the sand and I think thats where he gets most of his food. I currently feed the tank blood worms or brine shrimp and he seems to get the food somehow. Ive had him for almost 6 months and he is probably one of my favorites. These guys have tons of personality. I love to watch him fight with my rubber lip plec. They tend to hide for a few weeks when you first get them. I thought mine died when I first got him then he came out almost a month after I got him.


Small Fish
Apr 2, 2008
Thanks for all the info you've given so far guys :)

I stopped at the local fish store and they currently don't have any ADF's, but should be getting some in within the next couple of days, so yay - Pictures will be up as soon as I get them.

There's a mall near campus where I saw a kiosk that sold ADF's in these little plastic containers with gravel and a fake plant, but I was weary about purchasing some considering they weren't kept in very optimal living conditions - I almost went into "rescue mode" and bought some though :p

Mar 7, 2008
LI, New York
Hey Kiwi,

Sphed is correct in saying they are very shy at first. They have no idea what just happened and they hide. Just like most other aquatic animals we add to our tanks.
The one mistake my fiend made was adding them to an aggressive tank. He was fish food within a couple days, Unfortunetly. But be patient, mine are very resilient little guys, they survived through and algae bloom in my tank tank happened almost overnight, and lasted a long long time. They are great tank mates. When you get them PICS PICS PICS!!


Small Fish
Apr 22, 2008
Cleveland, OH
Staci, did you ever make the purchase? I bought my two ADFs a week apart, and they both acclimated to the tank very differently. The first one (male) stayed almost exclusively in hiding for a whole week, and was very unsure of his new situation. Finally he started being more active, and I bought him a tankmate (female), who was immediately active. Now they both have been together for about two weeks, and they are very entertaining, sometimes laying on top of one another and constantly swimming around. They are definitely the most entertaining creatures that I have in the tank!


Small Fish
Apr 2, 2008
I actually haven't found any healthy ones in any of my local fish stores lately, but hopefully I'll be getting two of them soon.

I'm glad to hear yours are doing well in their new home!