Advice needed for fin issues


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
Help! My baby has a hole in his dorsal fin. Right in the middle. It is not ragged and he does not look or act ill. Smooth edges. There's an ADF in the tank with him. She looks fine. I put some Melafix in the tank last night. The parameters are normal. He's in a 10 g that gets a weekly 50%water change. PLastic plants. He loves to swim all through them and lay on them, so I hope he just poked it or something, but its never happened before. He's getting a live plant overhaul soon. Thoughts? I don't want it to get worse. Thanks!

Sep 10, 2004
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Hi Beckyd. I have bought fish in the store with rotting fins and fixed them using Melafix. I usually have betta's in a one gal or two gal bowl. If followed the directions exactly as the bottle said and the fins eventually became normal again. Do not overuse the Melafix, as I have been told that this type of "medicine" is hard on betta lungs. Good luck and keep us posted.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
Thanks. I used a light dose because I know they can be sensitive. He looked rattier last night. The fin looks thinner too. Still just on the dorsal though. How long can I use it? The bottle says 3 days and then do a water change. Can I redose after the water change and keep it up until he's better?


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
I personally don't like using Melafix for the simple fact that it's easy to over dose. If it's just a hole to begin with be probably poked it. But if his fins are starting to get thin you want to keep his water as clean as possible. Bacteria/dirty water is the #1 killer when it comes to fin rot. It'll just make things worst. Have you tried purchasing Betta Fix at all? It's sort of like Melafix for bettas.