10 gallon planted


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I've decided to do a 10g planted tank with neon tetras. I only have three plants (plus a moss ball) in here so far; picked up the second red wendtii a few weeks ago. Will add some more low light plants soon. Might put a Dual Satellite on this on go high-tech sooner or later, but for now will be low-tech.

Back corner (to the left) has a flat rock that makes a nice little cave. In the center I have a rock that acts as a retaining wall, making he center part a little higher than the rest. Will eventually add some E. tenellus in the front area, or possibly some baby tears that I have floating in the 14g.



Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Update on the tank

Added some Brazilian pennywort, hornwort, java moss, and some pygmy chain swords. Also dropped some white gravel in (thought it would look nice contrasted against the Ecocomplete).

I hooked my Nutrafin CO2 reactor back up to my 14g last night. I might switch it over to this tank eventually unless I go the DIY route. 2 wpg is not much but if I decide to put in some more difficult plants I might need the carbon. Am also considering going to a higher level of light soon.

Some new pics:

Some views from above: