Search results

  1. FreshyFresh

    My tank is corrupted what should i do?

    Fish will loose their color when they're stressed or sick. They'll typically be pale and colorless in a store's display/sale tank. Once they're home in a good healthy environment, they'll color up nicely. You can fit more than 3-5 fish in a 10g, but they need to be small bio load fish like...
  2. FreshyFresh

    Betta help?!

    Was this betta just purchased? The poor buggers are usually very unhealthy when you buy them due to being kept in cups, etc. Are you using a quality water treatment/dechlorinator such as Seachem Prime? There's other good ones out there too. I'd skip the salt and concentrate on keeping the...
  3. FreshyFresh

    Where to Buy Rare Platies

    Pretty much any mom/pop fish store can order specific fish you want, or search online for local fish groups or breeders that might be close to you.
  4. FreshyFresh

    Noobie want some advice

    Welcome and it sounds like great plans you've got. I'm not sure of the specific needs of the puffer you want, but keep in mind a 20g tank isn't very large at all and will limit the number of fish you can comfortably keep in there. Adding lots of rocks, wood and other decor just take away the...
  5. FreshyFresh

    Help!! My molly fish has weird green stuff growing all over it!

    Yep. Anyone in the hobby should have something along the lines of the API master test kit. They're cheaper to get online, but can be had for $30 or so at chain pet stores, etc.
  6. FreshyFresh

    Help!! My molly fish has weird green stuff growing all over it!

    Any recent additions to the tank that could have brought in an illness or parasite? This includes live foods. The reason I asked about your water parameters is it's high nitrates can cause issues like you describe. Nitrates creep up daily and are only reduced by doing water changes of 50% or...
  7. FreshyFresh

    Help!! My molly fish has weird green stuff growing all over it!

    Did you recently purchase this molly? What size tank? Other inhabitants? Do you have a read in PPM for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Sorry for all the questions, but they're needed to help.
  8. FreshyFresh

    Poorly Zebra Danio?

    Hard to say. Could be a number of things- from a blockage to a parasite, etc.. How many fish in the tank and what sized tank? Water parameters?
  9. FreshyFresh

    My tank is corrupted what should i do?

    10g is too small for a proper group of TBs. If you only keep 1-2, they can exhibit the behavior you saw.
  10. FreshyFresh

    My tank is corrupted what should i do?

    Need a lot more info. Like arcab4 asked, what size tank? What are your readings in PPM for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Water change schedule and amount changed? Tiger barbs should be kept in groups and need a fairly large tank, like 29g at a minimum. That way, they'll just pester...
  11. FreshyFresh

    Corydora wiggle

    How many corys do you have? What sized tank? They're active little buggers, especially in groups, which they should be kept in. Wiggling around is normal IMO.
  12. FreshyFresh

    Bubbles in fishless tank?

    I've had this happen on new setups in the past. It should go away after some water changes. How are you doing your fishless cycle? Adding ammonia?
  13. FreshyFresh

    Mystery snails+fish+heavily planted 10 gal

    I had a 10g setup with lots of mystery snails, red cherry shrimp some silver hatchets and some celestial pearl danios. You could do a sorority of female bettas, but 5 might be a bit much in a 10g, plus they'll gorge themselves on the shrimp. I know mine did when I kept a group of female...
  14. FreshyFresh

    Can different kinds of goldfish breed??

    Sounds like about 40-50 gallons. For fancy goldfish, the recommended is 20g for one, and 10g for each additional. You could probably do 4 fancy goldfish in that.
  15. FreshyFresh

    Is this a baby?

    Platys give birth to tiny fish (livebearers) so it's not from the platy. Sounds like a snail egg maybe.
  16. FreshyFresh

    Goldfish fuzz

    I would do daily 50% water changes until you're certain the tank produces nothing but nitrates. Goldfish are often sick when you get them for the store. You've done quite well and are using a good dechlor like Prime helps detox ammonia and nitrite temporarily between daily WCs.
  17. FreshyFresh

    LED lighting for planted tank

    IMO, it depends what type of plants you intend to keep. What you have would likely work with anubia and java fern, especially if you attach it up higher on decor. FWIW, I have a 48-60" Current Satellite LED+ over my 55g and it grows amazon sword, crypts, anubia and java fern in this tank.
  18. FreshyFresh

    Old goldfish

    ~2.6 gallons of water is not nearly enough for a single oranda/fancy goldfish. Without filtration, there will be little to no nitrogen cycle in this tank to process the ammonia the fish produces. The fish is most likely suffering from poor water quality. Clear, clean looking water means...
  19. FreshyFresh

    Old goldfish

    Bets, welcome and sorry to hear about your issues. We need more info. What type of goldfish is this; Common, comet or fancy? What is the footprint of the tank and how many gallons? Commons or comets need very large tanks or ponds to do well, where a single fancy by themselves can do...
  20. FreshyFresh

    Potting soil as a substrate in planted tanks

    There are various plant soils that indeed can be used in an aquarium and are typically capped with another substrate to keep it in place. It's common for folks in the hobby who are into serious planted tanks to run "dirt". I personally would rather drag my arse through broken glass then do...