Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

Save The Coral Reefs

my friend passed this email to me and I thought I’d share it with you all. Sign the petition as it only takes literally a few seconds to do.

Sorry to blast a mass email like this to you guys (and to everyone to whom I owe a call or email, the reason I have appeared to have dropped off the face of the earth is that I am up to my eyeballs with work)! It’s been crazy, but great–as with any new job, I am really under the gun these first few months to show that I can make the organization successful.

Soooo. This is the first public petition going out under my watch, and I am under a lot of pressure to ensure that it is a really, really successful drive. The petition is a pretty common sense one–we’re asking for our federal and state agencies in Hawaii to adopt “responsible science” principles for research conducted in the remote and pristine Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Marine Monument.

Responsible science means that research in Monument waters contributes to conservation needs, that research operations (specimen taking, vessel discharges, preventing invasive species introductions, etc) do not impact the ecosystem, and no research that supports bioprospecting.

PLEASE PLEASE! It only takes a second, but we need as many signatures as possible for this. = ) You can sign the petition by going to Please also forward this on to anyone you think might be interested! The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands represent some of the last, most remote, pristine and highly protected coral reefs left in the world. These coral reefs are part of our national and world heritage–it is important for our agencies to know that people everywhere care about the unique ecosystems here Hawaii. = )

mahalo nui loa! (and much love to you all!)

Sign The Petition Now!