Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

Fluffy The Drug Guarding Turtle

now this is a first time i’ve seen a story like this. haha. So this alligator snapping turtle (i know of snapping turtles but alligator?) has been rescued from a life of crime. It turns out that the owner of Fluffy (the alligator snapping turtle’s name) was using Fluffy to guard a drug stash. But luckily has now been rescued and living at the local aquarium in Boston.

if you’re wondering what an alligator snapping turtle is, here’s an except from wikipedia…

“The alligator snapping turtle is characterized by a large, heavy head and a long, thick tail with three dorsal ridges of large scales (osteoderms) giving it a primitive appearance reminiscent of some of the plated dinosaurs. They can be immediately distinguished from the common snapper by the three distinct rows of spikes and raised plates on the carapace, whereas the common snapper has a smoother carapace. They are a solid gray, brown, black, or olive-green in color, and often covered with algae. They have radiating yellow patterns around the eyes, serving to break up the outline of the eye and keep the turtle camouflaged. Their eyes are also surrounded by a star-shaped arrangement of fleshy filamentous “eyelashes.”

oh and they are strong enough to snap off a person’s finger.

You can watch a video here.