Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

100-million-year-old Turtle Remains Discovered in Henan

Every wonder what a 100 million old turtle would look like? Now you know. It’s quite colorful than I expected it to be.

Here’s some information I got about it…

Rare, 100-million-year-old organic turtle remains were recently discovered in a river in Jiaxian, Pingdingshan City, in central China’s Henan Province. Rare turtle organic remains were recently discovered in central China’s Henan province. Local Web site reported that the organic remains were discovered by a local resident in a river in Jiaxian, located in Pingdingshan City. The turtle organic remains are around 15 centimeters long and seven centimeters wide, and weigh one kilogram. The fossil still has all four limbs and its tail, but lacks a head.

According to an expert from a local institute of paleontology, the remains are about 100 million years old.
