Start-up kit variety aquarium plants, clams, and snails

This auction is for a start-up variety kit that includes everything you need to really make your freshwater aquarium stand out.  These clams, snails and plants not only add color and decoration to your aquarium but each wil help complete the ecosystem within your tanks and keep your fish happier and heathier.  Each organism listed will add a cleaning filtering or oxegenating quality that will help the overall quality of your tank.

This auction inludes as pictured from top to bottom.  5 golden clams, 4 fresh water mussels, 7 aquatic snails,  3 bunches of anacharis, and 10 floating aquatic fern.  If you would like more information about each of these organisms please visit my ebay store listed in the top corner or follow the link below. 
These packages will be shipped on either Mondays or Tuesdays. These days allow for better survival rates.   It is marked as perishable to help through the shipping process but anything you can do to protect the package upon delivery will increase their survivability rate.