Freshwater & Saltwater Aquarium Fish Forum

Buy 1 Snuggie Get 1 Free Offer with Free Light

I first saw this in that airplane magazine and thought it was a great invention! My house is always cold during the winters and this would come in handy. Basically if you don’t know, it’s a giant blanket that has holes for your hands which makes it easy to do things while staying warm.

I got an email about it that they’re offering a 1 buy get 1 free plus you get a special bonus light.

If you’re interested, this would be a good time to get one. Plus you can always give the other one away as a gift. The current price on the snuggies is $19.95 for TWO plus shipping and handling (which runs about $7/each snuggie). So you’re looking at about $20ish for one snuggie. That’s a good gift price. I ordered mine so I’ll see how it is in person. Honestly it’s pretty dorky but hey..I’ll be using it at home and if it keeps me warm, so much the better. 😀