I looked into it some more and it sounds like it has to be a Sony product but it looks like it can be any TV (which is great!). For more information, go to Waste Management’s Sony Page to find a local recycling center near you. While you’re at it, might as well bring any electronic waste you have lying around (monitors, printers etc) to get recycled and help save the planet. As the technology industry sees continued growth, the amount of electronic waste is also increasing. A study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showed that in 2005, used or unwanted electronics amounted to approximately 1.9 to 2.2 million tons. Of that, about 1.5 to 1.9 million tons were primarily discarded in landfills, and only 345,000 to 379,000 tons were recycled. By recycling old electronic products, useful materials such as glass, plastic, copper wiring – even precious metals – can be collected and re-used in the manufacture of other products. Recycling not only minimizes the amount of waste needed for disposal, it also minimizes the extraction of new raw materials from the earth and resources required for processing. |
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Yay! Recycling! Did you know that in Phoenix, AZ you can only recycle plastics 1, 2, and 6? Check what you’re recycling. Also, don’t squish soda cans. They don’t roll into the right place and therefore are sometimes not recycled.