Home » Random News » Crocodile Bites Off Hand
  my friend pointed out this article about a crocodile biting off his hand to me today. What was crazy was that they showed the actual hand in the croc’s mouth uncensored! that was crazy! ofcourse i blurred it out as I don’t know who reads this site (I doubt any kids read abcnews.com) but if you want to see the uncensor picture, you can follow the article link about or click here to view it.TAIPEI, Taiwan Apr 12, 2007 (AP)— A zoo worker had his forearm reattached Thursday after his colleagues recovered the severed limb from the mouth of a 440-pound Nile crocodile, an official said.
The crocodile severed Chang Po-yu’s forearm on Wednesday at the Shaoshan Zoo in the southern city of Kaohsiung when the veterinarian tried to retrieve a tranquilizer dart from the reptile’s hide, zoo officials said.
Luckily they were able to reattach his hand. phew. CRAZY!
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Ouch that had to hurt
Oh My God!! and Ouch!!
OMG…..that picture is grotesque. Poor Chang….I guess that is why one shouldn’t try to pet a 400lb alligator.