What are the problems mixing 'African' and SA cichlids

Sep 16, 2006
i have a 55 gal which used to have a nice community of fish. until one day i bought a beautiful little tiger oscar. the guy at the lfs said "he'll eat everything in the tank!!!" 8 months later it was oscar and pinkie (pink convict) left. i returned to oscar to the lfs for credit and have since slowly added african cichlids. they get along great!!!!!

i tried to introduce an afican clawed frog (i love those ugly little guys). he was big enpugh to hold his own (i thought) but not big enough to gobble everybody up. he was dead and in pieces two days later.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Wow, that is a lot to grasp. I have recently added to a cichlid tank. The tank initially had the Jack Dempsey in it, about 6" or so. I added a few smaller fish, oscar, parrothead hybrid, and two gouramies. I moved around the decor in the tank and created more hiding places for the smaller fish and so far the big guy has left them all alone. I have even noticed the oscar and jack dempsey cuddling. I am not sure of the origin of any of these fish, but all seems peaceful thus far.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Wow, that is a lot to grasp. I have recently added to a cichlid tank. The tank initially had the Jack Dempsey in it, about 6" or so. I added a few smaller fish, oscar, parrothead hybrid, and two gouramies. I moved around the decor in the tank and created more hiding places for the smaller fish and so far the big guy has left them all alone. I have even noticed the oscar and jack dempsey cuddling. I am not sure of the origin of any of these fish, but all seems peaceful thus far.
You don't know adult sizes either. A 29gal is definently not big enough for most of these fish, let alone together. You should rethink your tank stocking.

Mar 31, 2009
now why did I not read more on cichlids before buying a couple (different species thats is - sort of liked the colour variations), the guys at the pet store did not alert me to any aggresion issues. At First they got along quite fine with the other fish until they began forming thier little territories. Any fish passing near there rock or cave would get it. Eventually only one was left, and growing quickly and becoming more and more violent. I moved it to a tank where i only had a little turtle, I figured it would not be able to harm the turtle. Well lets just say the turtle found itself spending most the time on top of the cave. After not too long they formed some wierd friendship. When cleaning the tank, I would place them both in separate tanks and they would swim towards the other. When i place them in the same tank the cichlid would seek shelter under the turtle´s belly. Sad to say the turtle died one cold winter. :-( The Cichlid died a month later (last time i let friends take care of my pets when i am away on vacation).

Jul 4, 2010
i have a mix of 2 fire mouth approx 2.5'' and 7 kenyi cichlid all less than 2'' and 6 auratus cichlid approx all around 1.5''-2''. i am expecting to get atleast a pair from the auratus and kenyi thats why the huge numbers. but thats not all i have 2 red finned shark 5'' 2 albino red finned shark 6'' and 3 red tailed shark along with 1 pleco around 5-6'' not to mention 7 tiger barbs and 7 danios.. too much for my setup i know...i change 1/3rd water every week but am wondering will i get a pair from all my kenyis and auratuses..
experts do help out.

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
there's a peach colored little guy in a 'mixed african' tank at the local petco that also has a lot of convicts in it (the tank, not the store.. zziiinng!) anyhow, I really really want him badly. He's a juvenile in every sense. Would someone be willing to look at my signature below this message and let me know if they think it'd be a disaster to add just one little guy from the mixed african tank? My PH is usually around 7.4 anyhow...

Perhaps if he grows up in there not being the dominant he'll do ok?



New Fish
Aug 18, 2011
It’s possible, as long as the species can live in the same water parameters, and would be compatible in the sense of size (i.e. American doesn’t get big enough to eat the African) I’ve never done it but I know African species need a higher ph, especially species from Lake Tanganyika. No, you don’t need to add salt; they're not brackish or saltwater fish.


Superstar Fish
These fish are to different to mix. They both have different ways of showing aggression, fighting, and defending themselves and territory. Its not right to cause undue stress onto our pets. You would never put an aggressive pit bull with an aggressive full size poodle would you!!!!!! They are both dogs right but, they have different temperaments. Its just silly, well maybe its not even that. We as pet owners need to care for our pets as we would our KIDS or FAMILY. We need to inform ourselves with research that is correct.