Female Jack Dempsey?? ID this fish! [pics]


Medium Fish
Jan 2, 2005
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OK, first of all, Im very sorry about the quality of these pics. We just bought a brand new digicam and it totally sucks. If you ever see a Palaroid PDC 5080 and you think "wow, 5 megapixels, thats a great price" - think again, its a piece of crap.

Anyways LOL I bought this fish about a month ago out of my LFS's cichlid tank where they usually keep Firemouths, JDs, Convicts, etc. I bought it thinking it was a young Female JD, to go along with my older male. However, the more I look at this fish, the more Im starting to wonder what I really bought...

The body shape is just WEIRD for a JD, or at least what I know them to be. I know females are supposed to be more "round" shaped than males, but this is like a major difference. And her mouth isnt that roundish beak looking mouth that's typical of JDs - hers is way more pointed. Also, the dorsal fin makes no sense to me... it almost looks like a bluegill's dorsal (the way its all arched and spikey) - my male JD's fins look NOTHING like this. I mean, she almost looks like a Texas cichlid the way her body is shaped. Also, her coloring is somewhat strange. She has a greyish/blue undertone with some black stiping/spots, and metallic light blue'ish green flecking. Her eyes also look weird; they are like solid pumpkin orange. My male has brown undertone with dark eyes.

Needless to say, this fish looks NOTHING like my other jack dempsey, who is definitely the most beautiful fish I've ever owned, and he's still young ;) So can you guys help me out here a lil? LOL