do you ever get upset....


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Aag Town
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i was just checking out some peoples old post (k i got off work earlier was sick fish tanks all clean nothing to do) and realize hmmm how can i say this w/o offending n e one...unintelligent people ask for advice when you tell them they disregards it completely than goes the opposite way??? whats the point of asking for opinions and do the complete opposite all it does is gets people upset....people just don't care about a animals well being but only care for what they want...heres a example this person shall remain unnamed....he has a green spotted puffer...2 dwarf puffers and a clown knife all living together in a 10 gallon by the way....assuming its freshwater at that point....after his 2 dwarf puffers were eaten by a clown knife he throws his clown knife into a lake and turns it into completely salt water.....after many advice from helpful people he didn't listen.....isn't that just upsetting???????? i admit i do some noobish things...thats what this place is for advice from experience people but man when someone takes their time to give you advice on your problem STOP THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY SAID...THEY SAY TO DO SOMETHING FOR A REASON AND NOT TO DO THE COMPLETELY OPPOSITE!!!! thank you i feel so much better now


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
yeah probably some of those post were me :( probably all of them were me hehe well i got over with that and i thought that i should take advice when given :)


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Aag Town
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actually no disbjohn wasn't referring to you at all from your sig you doing a good job maintaining and stocking your fish levels.....unless you kept a green spotted puffer w/ 2 dwarf puffers and a clown knife in a 10 gallon tank your doing fine in my book


Large Fish
Jul 18, 2003
SW Wisconsin
It isn't easy communicating over the internet really. It is easy to be misunderstood since people come at a problem with a hidden set of assumptions, and the person answering usually comes at it with a list of assumptions, and the messages are short. So it is sort of amazing anything productive happens very often at all.

I'd say-- since I'm fairly new to all this and new to giving what advice I can about a narrow range of subjects--that it is easy to confuse people. I think often advice given conflicts to some extent too, which adds some depth to the discussion, but to a new person it can be difficult to make sense of the conversation.

So the upshot for me is that I have to remind myself to keep things as simple as possible without giving an incomplete picture. Difficult for me to do sometimes.