discus stocking


New Fish
Jul 4, 2007
I Have a 30 gallon cube 18"x20"x21". Fully planted 2 bolivian rams clown pleko 5 lemon tetras. I have a magnum 350 with two unpowered biowheel rated for up to 60 gallons. Can I keep discus fish in this tank and how many?? I use R/o DI water. so my water is soft and Ph is Low N2 is 0 and N3 is 10.

Thank you Peter

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Welcome to MFT Peter.

Are you thinking of getting small discus or larger discus? Just a heads up, smaller, younger discus require more care then Adults. And in planted tanks this can be troublesome to keep a really clean tank. You have a little more room for error with larger discus.

If you can get a pair that gets along then i'd do 2. Otherwise MAYBE 1. Discus are shy and 1 single discus might not feel secure. But a pair could fit.

Generally speaking the stocking limit is about 1 Adult discus per 10gals. Give or take some depending on tank size, the fish themselves, other tank inhabitants, how often Water changes come, etc.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi Peter, and welcome to the "tank" *twirlysmi

Although I have no direct experience with Discus, my neighbor does, he has a Tank very similar to yours (I believe his is a 35 hex) He has 2 adult Discus in his, they have been a "pair" for a long time. His tank is planted, but not "heavily" and does not have any other tankmates. Although his fish appear healthy, They do looked cramped IMO. To sum up, it would appear 2 are do-able in a 30g, but if it were me I'd prefer something larger.