Home » eBay Auctions » Oceanic Bio Cube 14 Gallon Nano Reef Tank

#Ready for salt or freshwater use and includes Coral Life power compact lighting.
#Integrated wet/dry filtration.
#15.5 x 15 x 16.7″H
#Dual filter skims surface and bottom
#Curved glass corners
#Remote ballasts
#2 compact fluorescent lamps + lunar blue moon glow LED lamps
#UL listed pump with adjustable discharge
#Viewing window for sump area
#Sealed light lens cover
BioCube Setup Tips
To make your aquatic environment harmonious and beautiful, it is important that you do not overstock your aquarium. A general recommendation is to stock 3 to 4 small fish in a size 8 BioCube, four to six fish in a size 14 BioCube and five to eight small fish in a 29 BioCube. The amount of fish you keep in your BioCube also depends on your fishkeeping experience level. If you are new to the hobby, you may want to start by keeping one to two fish.
Once you are comfortable with controlling the environment levels, and your fish are healthy, you may wish to add one new fish at a time over the course of several weeks.
It is equally to chose fish, corals and invertebrates that are compatible with each other. Some fish are territorial and can be aggressive toward others. In a more compact environment, like the BioCube, aggressive fish may not be secluded enough and could attack others. Saltwater live corals can also act in a similar manner.
The best advice is determine the compatibility of all of the living inhabitants of your aquarum may come from an experienced sales person at your local pet store. Take the time to ask questions, and have the salesperson show you wich plants and animals are compatible so you can choose your favorites to create the ideal aquatic environment.
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Hey! That’s what I bought mine for!
The only problem I’ve found with ours is Oceanic wants you to buy replacement parts through them. Our ballast went for lights on friday by the time we got the parts some plants were dead.
I would buy a tank that is easy to get parts for next day max.
I have the same problem – ballasts. Where can I get replacements?
I have seen online that this information is obscure.
Some of the All Glass Aquarium/ Perfecto/ Whatever 10+
gallon aquarium sets sold at Petsmart, have old fashioned
metal box ballasts. Others have round plug-type starters
that are easily replaced and one can buy the replacements
from Petsmart or from Drs. Foster and Smith.
The ballasts atleast for the 20 gallon tank with the 24
inch hood, 18 inch flourescent tube that is 14 or 15
watt, are IGI13-20EL, and are made by Inter Global.
However most suppliers that carry it sell only in bulk.
Inter Global customer service referred me to Lens
Masters, yup, the eyewear people, at 314-427-1660. Said
there is just one supplier, atleast for the likes of us.
Guy there is shipping me two ballasts (yeah, a spare for
the next time I drop the hood in the tank), for $7.95
each plus $12.00 shipping, UPS ground to take just under
a week to reach me, he thinks. The shipping fee applies
regardless of how many you buy.
Replacement is straightforward; the plugs for the
flourescent tube are part of the ballast. One black
wire goes to the switch, and one black wire and the white
wire go to the power cord. Twist on connectors are
I have the oceanic bio cube 14 gal and after owning it one month all it does it leak in and in many places. I seal a leak then another one. It is not good.
I bought a 14 gallon new unit but the pet store was unable to provide me with setup instructions or a manual. I am trying to set it up and am calling the store, but they are not very experienced. Can you e-mail instructions? Julia