Worst Thing?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
So what is the worst thing that's ever happened to you? The worst thing that ever happened to me was when I got my collar bone and shoulder broke by a horse! Here's what happened. I was getting him out of his stall and I noticed he didn't look right so I was acting cautious and then he reared back and smashed his front hooves into my and knocked me to the ground and kicked my in the side. My dad was there (luckily) and he got the horse back in his stall. I was taken to the hospital and I had broken my collar bone and right shoulder and had an internal bruise on my side. That was the worst thing that I've ever experienced. How about you guys? ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
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LOL! Mine was horse related too. Long story but here goes:

I was re-training an ex-racer to event, he was still green but so talented. Riding him over a cross country course was like surfing a killer wave crossed with sky diving, totally awesome! So I entered him in this event for advanced horses. It had rained that morning so the course was slick, but they had the event anyway. All was going great untill we got to this tricky jump. The jump was ontop a hill, the horse had to go uphill to get to the jump and on the other side of the jump it was a downhill drop. The 4' jump was actually about 6' beacuse of the drop. The horse slid and fell into the jump, knocking it down and landing hard on its right side. Well 1500 pounds of horse crashing down on your knee doesn't feel good, then the horse rolled over me until we came to rest at the bottom. The horse was totally freaked, so he was paniking and steppping all over me.LOL! Well I got a crushed knee, 3 broken ribs, a broken leg and some internal bleeding, and a punctured lung.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ouch. That sounds rough. I bet you are a little more cautious of green ones now arn't you? I really pay attention to the horses behavior now. We had that one put down. That was sad but after what it did we didn't really have a choice. We think it may have contracted rabies or a similar disease that caused it to snap because this was a VERY good horse and I used to ride him when I was 1st starting out. It was a very bad experience for me. I am still a little cautious because this was a little less 2 years ago that it happened. I also fogot to mention that I also received whiplash and my stomach had a rupture in it which I had to get sown up. I didn't ride for almost 3 months after I got better. I'm just glad this is all behind me. ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
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No actually I'm not more cautious now, its just something that happened couldn't have been stopped. We have a breeding stallion(TheTerminator) he is vile, he is from CA he nearly killed his groom over there, so we got him dirt cheap. Eww! That sounds like that was pretty bad. I didn't ride for about 2 years after that. Thats the way I see it, glad is in the past! ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think why I'm so cautious is because I could have prevented this but didn't. I mean it wasn't my fault but I could tell somthing wasn't right so I guess it's a little bit my fault. Your trama was because of the horse and the track not really you. ;D