Umm depends on what you have access to. I love my phantoms. They are fantastic, but tend to be pricey. A gold Nugget L018 would also be a nice choice. They are really freaking pretty, they do get up to 14" but tend to be REALLY slow growers (if you buy a 3" fish expect it to take a decade to make it to 14")
A Bushy nose or a rubber nose is another good choice, they are going to be with in your size range and will be significantly easier to find and less expensive when you do, the bigger petSmarts carry them actually. Bristle nose plecos are similar to the bushy but tend to be smaller 4-5", also should be EASY to find. Bushy's and Rubbers tend to be very outgoing, the adapt well to almost every food option and they don't tend to run and hide as much as other plecos. They are also pretty hardy to various ph and temp conditions.
In any event before you add a nice pleco make sure to make a slate cave as well as get a decent piece of drift wood. Also plan to feed Zucchini every other day, I strap it down with a colorless rubber-band to a piece of broken clay pot.
I am a pleco collector, currently I have an 8" Royal, a 6" L018 Gold Nugget, a 6" Green Phantom, a 6" L128 Blue Phantom, 2 Bushy Noeses, a L401 King Tiger, a L 134 Leopard Frog Pleco, a 007 Magnum pleco, an L330 Watermelon Royal, an L030 Peppermint pleco, and a Flyer Pleco.
When buying plecos i don't like to buy anything under 2" as they tend to not be very hardy....