Will my male platty be ok with 5 neon tetras and one of his 1 month old offspring?

Sep 17, 2017
I recently had to seperate my male ans female plattys as they were breeding like bunnies and over-populating their tank.
Neither mom or dad eat their babies, ever. Even the teeny tiniest fry will swim around both parents and they ignore them for the most part.
So I was able to leave mom and dad with their kids for a couple months; now petco doesnt want any more platty donations and my eBay listing has only sold about 8 fish so I had to get a new aquarium and seperate mom and dad, besides he was really starting to just harass her like a crazed horny drunk frat boy who took like 8 viagra just to see what would happen....

anyways, I have dad with 5 neon tetras and realized later that I jad accidentally netted one of his off-spring in the process too - baby is decent size.
I had some neons with the platty fry and they schooled together, it was prettt darn cute ;)

anyways again, he swam around all histeric and crazy looking for his mate.
I was worried about him just having a nervous breakdown or something! Poor hormone pumped Boilermaker missed his Minnie Mouse.. (our fish's names btw)
Its been a half a day now and hes a lot better but still flutters around every now and then
Finally to my question: is he going to be ok just having his one 3/4" off-spring and those friendly neons for tank-mates?
I don't want to buy another male because he was a little agressive towards the last male we had.
His little baby-dude is just hanging with the neons like his brothers and sisters did in the other tank

I will put Boilermaker back with Minnie once a month for a few days so they can breed again, otherwise im hoping he will be ok as is.

please let me know if I should change anything or if there are any other fish that could be his buddies
also, and other sites I can sell my fry on!
thank you!