Will koi eat moss in a planted tank?

Hello -

I keep koi in my 55 gallon planted tank, and I have been looking at adding some moss to my tank to add some color to the bottom. Since at the moment I dont have any in my tank right now (I usually sell them when they get too big for the tank) I am doing my usual rearrangement of the tank. I was thinking of adding moss to the tank to make a carpet on the bottom. I know koi will eat the roots of a lot of plants (I have gone through a lot to find what plants they won't eat over the last 10 years. :p ) before I add in what could be just another expensive dinner for them I am wondering if anyone knows if Koi will eat moss. I am hoping to get willow moss and or a fisidens.

thank you!


Small Fish
Jan 21, 2008
My personal experiance with koi is that they will eat moss, most plants, plant roots, fish food, cat food....just about everything is worth a "taste test" if nothing else. I would introduce a small amount of moss to begin with, see if they bother it. That way your not out a ton of money spent on moss that may turn out to be a delicious dinner.