Will it hold the Water


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I sort of asked before. I have a plexy tank that is a hexagon that is 48 inches *48*48 by 18 inches tall. It is 1/4 thick. It bows a little bit when I push on it by hand.

I've found sites on volume on surface area, on figuring out how many gallons a tank is by size. I haven't found a site on pressure on volume of water, and wall thickness.

I got the living aquarium book that someone suggested, and it only has small tank sizes for pressures. I need to find out how much pressure, and if the tank is going to hold and not break.

Thanks for the help.  

Oct 22, 2002
I'm sorry I thought you were talking about the stand it will sit on. If this tank is something you purchased made, it should be sound and will hold water. Water will put even presseure on all sides of the tank. I'd say go for it. If you are still uncertain. You might want to fill it outside, Leave it for a could hours see what happens. Good Luck.