where should i buy sand?

Oct 22, 2002
Cheektowaga, NY
I'm starting a new 75 gallon tank and instead of using gravel like my other tanks I want to use sand. My question is where can I buy the right kind of sand? My idea right now is to buy it at a store like Home Depot but I'm not sure if the sand that goes in childrens sandboxes is the right type for an aquarium. Any thoughts on this?



I bought sand from Home Depot but I have not been able to use it. I think it should be ok. I says on the bag that it is sterilized.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I got mine from a sand-blasting supply store. It's called #1 sand-blasting grit. It looks like regular "natural" gravel, but waaaay smaller.  Very cheap, too. If you get some, make sure it's not used!  No telling what kind of lethal chemicals you might find.

I personally do not like playpit sand, it compacts down to tight, try and find some horticultural grade silica sand (garden centres usually have it).
If you are going to have plants mix with clay based cat litter,(the type with no addatives) put in a layer about one inch thick, then cover with one to two inches of clean sand.
I can do a 75 gallon tank for about £20.00 sterling about $15.00. 8)



you can get some good prices on sand at a sand blasting place, like scrimman said. i think you can get like a 50lb bag for around 5-10 bucks. make sure you get the fine stuff though. also check and make sure it wasnt used - also said - there can be all kinds of harmfull gunk in there. if you cant find any sand blasting places pool stores usually have it also. i would try those first, then if all else fails go for the silica stuff like cloth said, the kiddy sand will work also, just a matter of taste. :) ;D

Oct 22, 2002
Cheektowaga, NY
Thanks guys, I'm gonna head down to a sand-blasting supply store this week and pick up a couple 50lb bags. I'm starting to think of what fish I want to put in the tank. I'm thinking about a Jack Dempsey, Oscar, Marble Sailfin Pleco, and a Red-Tailed Catfish. I'm not sure if these fish will all get along together. Also, will having a sand bottom be alright for these fish (there will be lots of rocks on top of the sand)? I know they will all get way too big for the tank later, but that will just give me a reason to buy a bigger tank. Any thoughts?