Ok, I know what you guys are sayin, "This guy is asking about another new fish? Seriously?" But I went to my lfs to get some carbon for one of my filters and I jus happened to come across a new batch of synodontis agelicus just SCREAMING at me. lol. Me and my girlfriend were going to buy one the last time they had them, but we didnt know very much about them and they were 60 bucks. After doing a couple searches on google we went back and they were all gone. So needless to say when I saw them there today, I just had to get one. I am jus wondering if anybody has had these guys in their tanks?? Any experiences or do's and dont's would be great. With a 50 dollar price tag (@3inch) I dont wanna make very many(if any) mistakes. Thanks in advance. I'll try to post a pic as soon as he/she settles.