So much information

Apr 28, 2011
I have a 54 gallon tank, currently housing about 15 mollies (actively and successfully breeding) and a 13 inch pleco. I recently decided to invest some money into my tank and I built a moss wall (YouTube - Moss Wall - Week 2). I also bought a water testing kit for the first time in my 10+ years of keeping an aquarium. My nitrate, nitrites and ammonia are all 0 but my PH is 7.6.

I have done my research and understand the classic newbie thing to do is to freak out. I'm not freaking me out, I don't need a lecture on the improper use of chemicals to lower PH and all the advantages and disadvantages. My question is more specific than "should I lower my PH".

Here is my question. The mollies like the PH a bit elevated (7.2-7.4). The Pleco likes it neutral (7.0). The moss wall (which consists of newly planted java moss and christmas moss) likes the PH at 6.8 so it can absorb the nutrients it needs. I should mention I also have java fern growing in the tank.

I'm less worried about the fish. They've been living in these conditions for over a year. I REALLY want the moss wall to succeed. I'm worred the pleco will just mow it as it grows, I'm worried that the higher PH will stop it moss wall from absorbing nutrients. I am currently not using any fertilizer. There is also no drift wood and I know that IF I was going to lower PH that is the recommended way. I am on the edge of buying driftwood at this point, but is it worth it, and should I fertilize or not?

Whew! Thanks for your time and I look forward to answers, varied as I expect they will be!


Oct 29, 2010
I am willing to bet that you couldn't kill java moss if it gave you a reason. 7.6 isn't high, it's barely above neutral :)

Fertilization will help it grow faster, but isn't necessary. Java moss will thrive anywhere. A pleco shouldn't eat moss. Driftwood looks nice and will help soften the water, but again it isn't necessary at all for you. Although, you could grow more moss on the driftwood for a cool look if you want :)

Welcome to MFT! And good luck with your moss wall. You should post pictures to show us how it does :D

Apr 28, 2011
Thanks for your reply. So far the pleco is not eating the java moss. I'm only at week 2. I bought a marimo moss ball and I have caught him nibbling on that. As for pictures, if you like subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will be posting videos once a week of the moss wall. There are two videos there, including the one posted in my original post above.

Thanks. I may buy a peice of wood afterall.

Feb 27, 2009
I've kept java moss in both low pH and higher pH (5.8 up to 9) and the moss grows fine in either. It is faster in the lower pH if no ferts are being used, but a small dose once a week of the macros in the high end pH tanks, and it catches up and passes the growth of the lower pH.

As for your marimo moss ball being nibbled, it will happen with some fish. It is not a true moss, but a slow growing algae and some fish can't keep away.