snail problem & water temp

Feb 5, 2009
Tweed Heads
My tanks infested with snails I have a 28g tank with a wide variety of fishes Tetras Gouramis Barbs Plecos Angels and I was wondering if there was a sure way of ridding my tank of these tiny snails & one more Q whats the lowest Temp that these fish feel comfortable in? Thank you for any advice.....

Apr 28, 2009

I used to pick those little buggers out of my tank by the dozens almost every day. They hitchiked on a plant I bought. Some things I have done-Look for the eggs and destroy them. They like to lay their eggs under big rocks, and on the inside of any decorations you have. Kinda looks like snot. Also, adding some freshwater aquarium salt (in the recommended doses) helped a little and the fishes like it alot. But the most success came when I bought some ghost shrimp. I've had the ghost shrimp for about six months and haven't had to do any snail harvesting in a long time. I think the shrimp like to eat the snail eggs. And lastly, when I buy a new plant, I take it home and do a water change into a bucket. I put the plant in the bucket for a few days, and then check it for eggs and snails before it goes into a tank. So, after about 4 years with snails, I've gotten the numbers down to about 5-10 in each tank instead of 50-100. On the plus side, they do eat lots of algae so I'm happy with the ones that are left. Hope this helps.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If your tank can support a loach, they help a lot. Loaches Online - Community Edition — Loaches Online can help you choose.

Do not use any snail remover additive . It may harm your fish.

Otherwise you could try and trap them . May be a better way, but place a small dish or plate with say a weekend feeder pellet (one of those slow disolving food pellets you can get so it does not make a mess)or other food source and place it in the bowl after lights out. See how many snails gather on it durring lights out and pull them out. If you have a nocturnal catfish or suckerfish this may not work though(which i reread and see you have a pleco)

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