Ready for an algae eater! But which kind?

Jan 21, 2017
So I have my 10 gallon tank with 3 mollies and 2 platies. My algae grows rapidly so I did the procedure to help produce less algae. But there is still lots of algae producing. Its very hard to clean since I have gravel lots of decorations and plastic plants. (And 2 bubble stones). So I know that my tank sounds packed. But I have no choice. So I know there is quite a few algae eaters that get to big and I'm looking for things not very ugly (things like shrimp). Also non aggressive. And active. (And does great work on the algae). (Nothing that will breed)My tank is 100% healthy. Any suggestions?

Feb 10, 2017
I love mystery snails. They come in different beautiful colours, and you can find them in pet stores or order off of Amazon.

They are fresh water aquatic snails that come up to the surface to breathe air, and eat algae on plants, up the sides of the glass, and inside caves-really, wherever they can fit.

Normally you receive them around or under 1", and they grow to be about 2".
To breed they need brackish water, and one male, one female. They are NOT asexual. A female MAY lay eggs in fresh water, but usually they are not fertilized. They are deposited roughly 2" above the water line in an area that keeps them moist, usually on a running filter or under the hood, so they're usually easy to find and remove.

They are peaceful, non aggressive, eat algae, commercial bottom feeder foods, fish flakes that have fallen to the bottom, and they have a permanent calcium 'trap door' that is their only defence.

There are other types of algae eating aquatic snails as well, but check to make sure they won't breed in fresh water (like adorable tiny ramshorn snails, which are also hermaphrodites).


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
I love mystery snails. They come in different beautiful colours, and you can find them in pet stores or order off of Amazon.

They are fresh water aquatic snails that come up to the surface to breathe air, and eat algae on plants, up the sides of the glass, and inside caves-really, wherever they can fit.

Normally you receive them around or under 1", and they grow to be about 2".
To breed they need brackish water, and one male, one female. They are NOT asexual. A female MAY lay eggs in fresh water, but usually they are not fertilized. They are deposited roughly 2" above the water line in an area that keeps them moist, usually on a running filter or under the hood, so they're usually easy to find and remove.

They are peaceful, non aggressive, eat algae, commercial bottom feeder foods, fish flakes that have fallen to the bottom, and they have a permanent calcium 'trap door' that is their only defence.

There are other types of algae eating aquatic snails as well, but check to make sure they won't breed in fresh water (like adorable tiny ramshorn snails, which are also hermaphrodites).
Mystery snails DO NOT need brackish water to breed. They also make piss poor algae eaters compared to other fish/snails.

As for OP, how bout a nerite snail and a few amano shrimp? I have 10 amanos in my 14 gallon planted tank and have yet to have an algae issue.