rainbow shark V Chinese algae eater


New Fish
Jul 17, 2007
do R sharks and CA eaters not get on too well usually? i have ine of each in my tank of around 3 inches each. They have really vigorous fights. they are both very teritorrial and ive created variuos little caves and hiding places so they dont fight for the same place, but they like jst this one cave in the rocks and they fight each other for this teritorry. is this behaviour normal?


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Yes, it is totally normal. The Rainbow Shark will not tolerate any fish with a similar body shape. I have false SAE's in the tank with my Rainbow but as their size is less than half that of the shark they don't bother him too much, he still feels like boss and only chases them at feeding time.

As yours is the same size I suggest you get rid of one or the other, otherwise one is going to end up dead eventually.