R.I.P. Smokey Joe


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
A while ago I posted about if my angel fish were tring to pair off, or just fighting. The question has been answered.

I had not seen much of Joe for the past 2 weeks. He was staying well hidden in the vals in the corner of the tank, but would still come out and eat. Last night at feeding there was no sign of him. I got to looking and he was laying on some leaves on his side.

I was able to isolate him for the night and wished him the best, that the other angel could no longer get to him and he would make it through the night. He had scars where they had fought, and badly riped fins.

Alas, despite the TLC that was given I woke to find Smokey Joe gone to fishy heven.

Ironic. There was a guy at work just yesterday who agreed to take him into his own care.

Guess Im a one angel man now.