R.I.P. Bala Boy

He was getting so big, so strong. He didn't need a partner, he did his own thing, and that bully barb left him alone.

I found him resting upright against the hornwort, that eternal rest. He was still so shiny and slick, his black eyes still fixed.

I'll find him in an aquatic dream. I'll plant him by the pond, I'll grow him up again right next time, I will.

What kind of owner am I? Not quarantining the corydoras or washing the anachris or tuna scraps. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Where am I?

I miss you Bala Boy. You were good to me, better than I was to you but you put up with me and the barbs don't care but I do and I love you in that paper bag by the pond and I'll plant you and grow you up again.
