Please help identify these albino peacocks

Jun 11, 2011
Heres a link to the video on youtube.


The big albono peacock is from a friends tank, he sold it to me because he bought a HUGE jaguar cichlid and jack dempsey and they were trying to eat it. He said he bought it from the dreaded "assorted" tank. lol The other albinos in the tank,little bit smaller then the first one, were bought under the name "albino eureka" but i dont think thats what they are, but maybe they are. Jus need some opinions as to what they are. Thanks alot for looking


Superstar Fish
It could be an Albino Red peacock (Aulonocara jacobfreibergi) they are some times called eureka reds. Look for this one to (albino Aulonocara sp). There are a lot of albino Africans so its hard to narrow down. With all the different names for the same african its always hard to get it for sure.

Jun 11, 2011
Im trying to find out what it is so i can try to sex them or find out why the big one(first one in video) is such a d*ck to the rest of them. Seems like the ones that look like females are acting like the males. ???? very strange.


Superstar Fish
The back bottom (anal) fin will have circles (egg spots) on it if its a male. Africans chase and bully, most of the time they do not nip or damage each other though. If they are you need more hiding spots for them. Those cheap red bricks at the home improvement store work good and they are only about 50 cents each. These are a nice cheap fix until you can buy some lava rock or other cover for them or just keep it permanent as I did in my 150G.
2011-10-08_05-36-43_228.jpg 2011-10-08_05-37-50_428.jpg
Here is a couple of pics of my 150G with the red bricks.

Jun 11, 2011
Yeah, I have some brick in one of my tanks. Lava rock and lace rock arent too expensive around here so I have lots. I have a peacock tank set up(more swimming area then rock structures). maybe I should have put a couple more rocks in there. I think the first Big pink peacock(1st one in video) is a female, and she is bothering the males(ones with egg spots) but they aren't responding so she's nipping them. I have put "her" into my other tank. My males are smaller then she is, so they gotta grow up a bit before i introduce them again. I am still not sure of the specific species of peacock she is. Not really important, but it seems to be a big deal for me. LOL I hate having unknown fish in my tanks.