

Large Fish
Jul 9, 2005
i recently purchased an oranda. 8s so cute, 8s face looks like a fat baby. 8s now one of d inhabitants of my 100g. d next day after i purchased him/her i checked to see how 8 was & found out that 8s @ d corner of d tank w/ 8s head dwn & 8s tail up motionless. oh my gosh! i thought 8 was dead. then i looked more & saw 8s eyes move & still breathing & realized that 8s only sleeping. i'v noticed every 8 sleep, 8 sleeps that way. & sometimes it swims that way also. i come 2 think that most probably bcoz 8s head s more heavier that 8s body(?). sometimes i felt a little guilt that i shdnt bought 8.
s this normal, goldy like oranda w/ 8s head heavier than 8s body? any comment folks? thnx.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
No, orandas swim fine. Something else is bothering your fish. What else is in the tank? What is the temp? What kind of filtration are you running? How long has the tank been set up? What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc.)? What sort of maintenance do you do, how often (vacuum, water changes, filter maintenance, etc.)? The more information you can provide, the better chance that someone here can help you.