my 10 gallon

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
I thought it might be humorous, after seeing all of these amazing, super great planted tanks, to show my plastic-plant tank, which is in my dorm. All the school allows is 10 gallons, and I dont use live plants because, I dont think I have the time commitment to give to them.

It is a 10 gallon tank, I do water changes weekly, and it has been set up for 7 and a half months now.

I have plastic plants, and decorative rocks, but I also have dead coral that I picked up off of the northern beaches of oahu(the white corally stuff).

The fishies in the tank are a Gourami, 2 cories, 2 danios and 2 barbs.

When I graduate, I want to do a larger planted tank, but for now, as cheesy as it looks, I'm doing my "natural looking as I can" tank... don't make fun too much, now :)



Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
It looks pretty natural to me. I like it. I also have a plastic 10g tank that looks pretty cool when i bunch them all up in a corner and make it look like a jungle. Nice tank.

- depthC

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
thanks guys, those are nice things to say...

Jawz: equipment wise, I have 1 top fin 15 filter, 1 top fin 20 filter, and the heater that came with it...pretty basic...

it was basically an 'all in one' set from petsmart, which i set up and cycled at the beginning of schools, then started adding fish, and I decided that the top fin 15 wasn't cutting it, cuz it was pretty ghetto and broke down sometimes, so i bought the topfin 20 to help as a back up, and things have been running great...although the 15 still breaks down from time to time.

It's been a fun tank, and a fun start to a great hobby.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Ryan - I think your tank is fine.
The only thing I would change would be to move that thermometer off the front.
Stick it on the side so it doesn't block you're view.

One of these days I'll post some of my tanks - and you can tell me what you would change!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
no complaints here but if you going for the planted tank look, don't you need more plants?i suppose it's that whole in college,no money thing.i want to buy a bunch of plastic plants to get layout ideas for the"day" when i can grow real plants.ryan if your reak interested there is an old thread like this but the tank was more complex on planting.i think it was called plastic fantastic or something like that.

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA
Thanks mike, ill check that out...and when i get a few extra bucks, go and get a few more plants.

Orion, the thermometer is in the background, but its worthless, it doesn't measure temperature anymore. So I just use the thermostat on my heater to gauge heat... i should either add a new thermometer and take that one out...