Missing in action

Jan 26, 2013
Hi been a bit of a while since I came onto this site again, anyways I bought 8 new fish on Chinese New Year that is a Sunday 4 white clouds and four zebra danios
It has come to my attention that my new fish seem to go missing I only have 2 white clouds and two zebra danios left I checked the tank pulled out all the plants and ornaments and rocks, looked in the filter and even upset the substrate looking for them my results were inconclusive

Need help please

Ps I got four black widows and two red fin danios as well
Black widow tetras isn't bothered by the new fish and the danios play tag with the zebras so I haven't got the slightest clue. Thanks. :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What size is the tank all these fish are lost in and how many other fish are in the tank - because of lack of punctuation and numbers it isn't clear.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
That's a lot for an ~8.7gal tank. Do you have a full hood or a glass top on the tank? Any other pets in the house?
Joel is right, your going to continue to have tank health issues with that small a tank. If I recall you had issues with an algae eater in this same tank right? As far as what happened to your other fish, its one of three things. He either got devoured, he is stuck in the filter or he jumped out and you just havn't found him yet. Just out of curiosity, where do you keep the gold fish?

Feb 27, 2009
Is the Chinese Algae Eater in the 33 liter tank with the tetras, minnows and danios?

I would agree with the others to say that 33 liters is likely too small for all of the fish you have. You will need to keep on top of water quality diligently.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Goldfish if in an outside pond nearly three times the size of my tank

My tank fits perfectly in my opinion the fish don't grow to big do they?
A very liberal rule of thumb is 1 gallon per fish. You've exceded that. Strictly from a tactical point of view, it will take alot of effort to keep clean and healthy. And when keeping fish becomes a burden, people tend to loose interest. If its easy, then its fun too.

Jan 26, 2013
My tank caring is easy the fish as I said aren't too big and I went to three fish shops to ask if everything is ok if the number of fish fits the tank they said it should be fine. The fish don't grow too big either so overcrowding is not the issue.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Respectfully, it IS over crowded already, others have concured. This is likely the source of your health issues. The 1g rule is maximum standard in the hobby. The nice people at fish stores want to sell you fish. We want to help you help them, for free. Decide who you trust more. Good luck with your fish.

Jan 26, 2013
I don't want to be aggressive here I just have an emotional side sorry
And feel bad on one thing than the other. I also don't want to argue either but if you all say its this is the problem then I might get another tank or get some fish into the pond?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
What kind of pond are you talking about? Is it a year around outdoor pond? Are you able to get another tank? I don't believe you have ever said what kind of equipment you are using. When you gave us the measurements for you present tank it was metric which made me think you are probably not in the USA, so you may not have the same type of equipment available.