Male Sailfin Mollies


Small Fish
Feb 1, 2003
Eagle-Vail, CO
I recently purchase 2 male sailfin mollies. All is going well. I also have 2 male guppies. The four of them think they are a school. I was told by my local fish expert (aka local shop keeper who seems pretty knowledgeable) that a good school is normally an odd purchase another male sailfin molly. Problem is that the other 2 males seem to think he is a female and are trying to mate with him (quite funny). Sometime this seem to be almost aggressive. I worry that my new molly isn't fitting in. :( So my question is does anyone have this variety of fish and have you experienced the same problems? And as always thanks for you help! :D


Large Fish
Nov 22, 2002
Visit site
Why did your local expert suggest three molly males?
As what I've heard/read, male/female ratio in a livebearer tank should be 1:2 or 1:3.

I have three swordtail males and four females (maybe). The males always complete with each other for females. Whenever a male tries to mate with a female, the other two males join in and chase each other away from the female.
Anyway, it's better to keep more females than males since males are more aggressive.