Yeah if you need cheap I would go bushy or bristle nose. Rubber lip look neat I haven't kept one but they look real cute when i see them out and around.
Try not to get too focused on getting your entire stocking plan at one time (one because you should introduce your stock slowly, and two because it's hard on the wallet)
Nuggets, Phantoms, etc are all going to be out of your price range of 20.00 but maybe something to save for on down the road.
Honestly I would set up your tank and add plecos last, if you have an ich outbreak it's much easier to treat with out plecos.
Also don't really expect your plecos to do much cleaning..... They are just fun bottom feeders that occaisionally suck on the glass. Generally a pleco that is sticking to the glass all the time is unhappy, he would rather have a cave. They don't like to be exposed.
Also on the wood eating, ok so you saw the photos of my tanks, I have fleets of plecos in every tank, my drift looks the same as it did 6 years ago... Yes they naw on it, but it's such a small amount that you won't notice it, other then the wood colored poo.